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Study tips: Accounting principles and why you should understand them

3 basic accounting principles

The materiality principle states that an accounting standard can be ignored if the net impact of doing so has such a small impact on the financial statements that a reader of the financial statements would not be misled. Under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), you do not have to implement the provisions of an accounting standard if an item is immaterial. This definition does not provide definitive guidance in distinguishing material information from immaterial information, so it is necessary to exercise judgment in deciding if a transaction is material.

Though there are many similarities between the conceptual framework under US GAAP and IFRS, these similar foundations result in different standards and/or different interpretations. Some companies that operate on a global scale may be able to report their financial statements using IFRS. The SEC regulates the financial reporting of companies selling their shares in the United States, whether US GAAP or IFRS are used. The basics of accounting discussed in this chapter are the same under either set of guidelines. Under GAAP in the U.S., assets are recorded and reported on the balance sheet at their original cost.


This would mean that any uncertain or estimated expenses/losses should be recorded, but uncertain or estimated revenues/gains should not. This gives stakeholders a more reliable view of the company’s financial position and does not overstate income. When a publicly traded company in the United States issues its financial statements, the financial statements have been audited by a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) approved auditor.

3 basic accounting principles

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Importance of the Three Basic Accounting Principles

A T-account is called a “T-account” because it looks like a “T,” as you can see with the T-account shown here. The time period assumption states that a company can present useful information in shorter time periods, such as years, quarters, or months. The information is broken into time frames to make comparisons and evaluations easier. The information will be timely and current and will give a meaningful picture of how the company is operating.

The accounting cycle refers to the process of generating financial statements, beginning with a business transaction and ending with the preparation of the report. The first step in the cycle is to analyze the data collected from many sources. All transactions that have a financial impact on the firm—sales, payments to employees and suppliers, interest and tax payments, purchases of inventory, and the like—must be documented. The accountant must review the documents to make sure they’re complete. Completing everyday transactions is part of the bookkeeping basics.

Steps of the Accounting Cycle

The purpose of the revenue recognition principle, then, is to accurately report income, or revenue, when the sale is made, even if you bill your customer or receive payment at a later time. Apart from these three, there are other principles like materiality, full disclosure, revenue, and conservatism. These basic principles are important for professionals and individuals who want to manage their finances correctly. Applying these principles can help make better financial decisions and assess investment opportunities.

3 basic accounting principles

Auditors are mostly concerned with how businesses comply with this particular principle. It focuses on the consistency with which methods and policies are applied in the preparation of financial information during each period. Any changes that occur in methods and policies should be documented within the financial statements.

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The specific time period assumption requires that a business’s financial reports show results over a distinct period of time in order for them to be meaningful to those reviewing them. Additionally, this accounting principle specifies that all financial statements must indicate the specific time period that they’re covering on the actual document. Next, each transaction is recorded in a journal, a listing of financial transactions in chronological order. The journal entries are then recorded in ledgers, which show increases and decreases in specific asset, liability, and owners’ equity accounts. The ledger totals for each account are summarized in a trial balance, which is used to confirm the accuracy of the figures. These values are used to prepare financial statements and management reports.

3 basic accounting principles

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